Sunday, February 17, 2008

SEO Elite - Review

Looking for an SEO tool that can save you time and money?

Read on to find out more...

What is SEO Elite? Well... apparently its the "secret weapon" of choice these days with SEO.

The author of this piece of software, Brad Callen has established a reputation for giving a lot of value in his products that he produces. With SEO elite, it is no different than his other products. The real key factor to marketing a website is centered around getting highly targeted traffic to your website. If you can't achieve this in marketing your site, you stand a high chance of becoming obsolete within your niche. You will find it difficult to compete and eventually you will end up a sitting duck. Simple put, your website without traffic cannot serve without traffic!

Now that we have a clearer picture of how important it is to have good high target levels of traffic to our site, there are many SEO companies that charge through the roof for Search engine optimization services. With SEO elite, you will not have to pay for this kind of service that will cost you an arm and a leg! SEO elite has multiple website traffic generating features all rolled into one neat package.


Such things include -

- The software allows you to do a backlink search on all major search engines.

- Find where your site is ranked for your keywords

- Verify that your link partners still link back to you.

- Analyze allinanchor, allintitle or allintext.

- SEO Elite can find which pages of your site are indexed in the main engines (Google, MSN, Yahoo,

AlltheWeb and Altavista)

Lets look at some of these features and see why some of these can benefit you in your SEO campaigns.

The software allows you to do a backlink search on all major search engines -

This feature of SEO elite can allow you to take a look and analyze the backlinks that any page has. The information that SEO elite retrieves for each of the back links include the following:

URL - Google PR - Alexa ranking - Page title - page anchor - page text - the number of outbound links on the page - the total links on the page - The who is information for the page - contact email address and the link popularity.

Click here to purchase SEO ELITE

There is some serious wealth of information here. You can simply type in a competitors URL and get his or her link partners and all the information you will need to evaluate the partners to which you can then request a link of your own if they are any good to you and your site.

Find where your site is ranked for your keywords -

With this feature you simply enter the keywords you want to search for. Type in the URL you are interested in, then select what search engine you wish to check and hit the click button. The software will then display your rankings. Simple but effective and saves you time!

Verify that your link partners are still linking back to you -

With this feature you can check up on your link partners. You can see valuable information like whether they still link to you and from where about on their own site.

Analyse allinchor, allintext and allintitle -

With the Allinanchor feature setting, it will rank the websites in order of importance by the websites with the most backlinks containing the specified keyword you choose.

Similar to the example above, allintext will rank the websites with the most optimized on page text for a particular keyword of choice.

Finally the allintitle function and very similar to the above two, allintitle will rank websites of importance with the most optimised on page title for the keyword you choose.

SEO Elite can find which pages of your site are indexed in the main engines (Google, MSN, Yahoo, AlltheWeb and Altavista)

With this feature, you can find whether your site is indexed on a search engine like Google, yahoo or MSN. It’s really as simple as typing in a URL, then selecting which engines you want to check and then click the button. This is very useful for SEO as it helps identify where your WebPages are ranked in the top search engines.

Conclusion -

SEO Elite is a great tool for SEO. It is tremendous value for money and will really benefit you with your SEO on your websites. It is very important to know that incoming links are vital to high rankings within the search engines. With this product, you will have every bit of information you need to evaluate your linking campaigns and your competitors also. SEO elite will save you a lot of time and money in the long-term and will make you a better SEO. This piece of software is an absolute must for anybody that is serious about his or her online business.

Click here to purchase SEO ELITE

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