Sunday, January 6, 2008

Ewen Chia's - Super Affiliate Club review

Still Struggling to make money online?

Perhaps your not so sure on where to start on the net for making money?

Then get ready for a new system that will change your life and make you money instantly!

Introducing -

Ewen Chia's Super affiliate inner circle club review - your complete guide to his affiliate membership site.

Hi and welcome to this review of the Ewen Chia's Super affiliate membership site.

I sincerely hope that you will find the appropriate information you are looking for within this review of the super affiliate membership site. I have in the past, signed up to a number of "make money onlne" membership sites. I'll be honest with you... I have been let down by most of the options out there. I would basically get conned into falling for the hype, coz I thought that a certain membership site was going to give me the appropriate information on how to make money online.

These so called "Gurus" tell you that you will learn many techniques and tips to "Sky Rocket" your income. But in my experience, I have never joined a monthly membership site that has impressed me. Most of these "gurus' will share information. But they are not always willing to share with you the latest information. Why would they? If they did... they would be teaching there techniques to their competitors when you think about it.

However, I've been a fan of Ewen Chia for sometime now and I trust his opinion. I know this guy can deliever on his word. If you have been in the affiliate business for sometime now you maybe on Mr.Chias list and know what this guy is capable of doing. Because I trust the information he has provided for me in the past, I was keen to sign up to his membership site and give it a go! So here is what I think to this membership site.

I'll start with a question some of you may have...

Why did you invest into this membership site?

The reason why I invested into this membership site was because I wanted to expand my education on affiliate marketing. I've made some money so far as an affiliate marketer with the knowledge I have so far, but I know I have got the potential to turn my small earnings into something more substantial. In order to do that I needed to learn from someone who has been through it all and has proven many times over that he is one of the best in the business! I've always been told, if you want to be the best, you need to learn from the best!

Ok... gotcha, now what about this membership site?

When you invest your money into this membership site, you are given access to a range of information on how you can become a successful affiliate marketer. When I entered it first and had a look around I was happy. I had a browse around and noticed many learning resources. What gets your attention first is the affiliate material on how to make money by promoting Mr.Chia's membership site.


Can you explain what you get with the site?

Every month, Ewen udates the site with updated content. As long as you remain a member, you will continue to learn more techniques that will help you earn more money! Unlike the many other "make money" membership sites out there, Ewen has kept his promis of delievering good content to the site. There are 5 modules that I will explain briefly.

Module 1

When you first join up, you will receive a 120 page document titled "15 step top secret super affiliate blueprint". This is filled with quality affiliate information and if you are a newbie this manual should be kept in a place where you can access it with ease so you can revert back to it. I'd consider myself an intermediate marketer and I have learn't some tips within this manual too. Some of the topics you will come across are things like..

- What are the key differences between a normal affiliate and a super affiliate

- Why making money online is simple

- How you can dominate markets from the inside out and build a reputation that'll grow your business profits for the long term future.

- There are also some proven strategies for finding, selecting and "stealing" (as he words it) profitable markets.

These are just some of the materials you will find within this module.

Module 2

This includes a large list of training videos set of videos that help you set-up things like...

- How to choose the right domain name

- How to open zip files and pdf files

- How to create your own website for free

- How to manage your control panel

- How to setup your clickbank account

There is 50 + videos that come with this module. However, I do think that this is more aimed at the newbie affiliate marketer. However, watched some of the videos and I did pick up a few "tips" along the way.

Module 3

This consists of an audio training pack, which Ewen reveals some of his affiliate marketing secrets to you every month. You can listen and download these programs anytime you want. He also aims to interview other experts in the future so you can learn from them to! I was slightly disappointed with the sound quality and sometimes was unable to understand what he was saying. Some of the types of features included in the audio program are things like -

- How to become a super affiliate

- What type of market research does a super affiliate really need to do?

- Little know techniques to discover in advance if a product will be a hot seller for you! I really enjoyed this technique as I've always wonder how you can determine if a product will sell for you or not!

- What you can realistically expect in terms of commissions as a beginning super affiliate. This is vital I think as it gives you a realistic image of what you can expect to earn. A sort of a cash flow forecast for your affiliate business.

Module 4

This is like a live video case study. I really like case studies as they can sort of prove to you how techniques work and are a great source for education. With this Module, Ewen basically shows you how he sets up an affiliate campaign with a landing page and how he drives traffic to it in order to make sales. Its almost like a sort of "Hold my hand" lesson. All you need to do is copy exactly what he is teaching you in the videos and you will start to generate income. Its that simple. I really enjoyed this as it really does make you a lot more confident in what you are doing when you decide to set up a landing page. This is a very effective module. Some of the videos you will see are as follows:

- One strategy that multiplies your conversion and commissions. ( I found this very helpful as I have found it difficult at times converting my visitors into buyers)

- How to churn out super affiliate bonuses.

- How you can create a simple email message that gets people clicking on the buy button.

Module 5

With module 5 you get what is called a Super affiliates Mystery instant business in a box. Basically every month you'll be handed the mystery business in a box that you can instantly plug in and start to implement profits from. Here are some of the things you can expect to have as once you are member:

- 10 "long tail" keyword articles on the report topic

- Instant auto responder series

- 5 forum signature files you can use when you post in forums

- 20+ page special report you can customize and re brand as your own!

What I've mentioned is only some of the elements you can expect to have in your hands. There is so much to information on how you can implement strategies to making money online as an affiliate marketer. This only mean’s positive progress for the development of your affiliate business.


Here are some testimonials from people who have tried the product -

"The #1 Super Affiliate - Without A Doubt."
Without a doubt Ewen Chia is the #1 Super Affiliate for everyone I know, and if he isn't it's only because he's not promoting their products.

He's that good. I've always been amazed at how he ranks #1 for everything he promotes. If you want to learn anything about affiliate marketing I couldn't imagine sending you to anyone else.

- Allen Says



"The Surest Way To Rake In Huge Commissions FAST!"

Ewen is the REAL DEAL when it comes to making a fortune from other people's products!

He came out of nowhere and sold over $118,000.00+ in sales for our latest product. I'd say that's damn good!

If you want to become a real super affiliate and rake in huge commissions FAST, then here's the guy to help you - Ewen Chia.

- Yanik Silver


"$100,000 In 8 Months As A Newbie - Thanks Ewen!"

My profits skyrocketed since I started applying everything I've learned from you...

I was a complete newbie one year ago, but I made $100,000 in 8 months! I never could have done it without you - thanks Ewen!

- Shannon Haron


What’s my overall verdict?

I think that what Ewen has created is really like no other on the Internet. I really am impressed by the content and all the education I am receiving as a result of investing into this product. I feel that it’s a very complete package. There is no hidden catches with this membership site! At the time of writing this review the cost of this program is low in comparison to the high quality content you get! As I've stated before, I have joined membership sites that have really not delivered what they have promised in their sales page. I know what the feeling is like! However... on a final note and I can't stress this enough to everyone reading this review. You will NOT succeed by just reading and watching what Ewen is teaching you! YOU HAVE to IMPLEMENT what he is teaching you in order for you to see your return on investment. Follow what Ewen is teaching you with hard working action and I can assure you that you will succeed!

The Keys to success are DONT GIVE UP, FOCUS and HARD WORK!

I wish you the best of luck in your future affiliate marketing campaigns.